65-year-old rich Alhaji marries an 11-year-old girl.

 Story by : Stephen Nana Kwesi Obotan Rockson

As the majority of those youngsters come from low-income families, the agreement is made in return for reducing poverty. At this young age, no affluent family will give their daughter away for marriage.
It’s really too bad that the little girl’s future, goals, aspirations, life, and freedom of choice have all been cruelly robbed from her.

Unfortunately, religion is the largest issue in this region of the globe, and immediate action must be taken to address it.

Recent social media images and videos that have infuriated many netizens show an 11-year-old girl being given to her 65-year-old husband at their wedding ceremony.

The small child seemed dejected in the brief, revolting recordings, but the guy, who might pass for her great grandfather, was delighted.

I’m still perplexed as to how the elderly man thought the little girl, who was only 11, was attractive enough to marry her.

Someone who should be able to play without concern for obligations while watching cartoons; this world is just screwed up.

Watch how the ceremony was held below πŸ‘‡πŸΏπŸ‘‡πŸΏπŸ‘‡πŸΏ
